Double the fun!
Mom and Dad
C and C...little bundles of cute energy.
We had such a great time. The boys were so funny. They loved to say "Cheese" and "I love Candy Corn!"
This might just very well be the first time that I have taken family pictures...with a lizard. A baby lizard at that!
SEE!!! A baby lizard!
The parents...
You know you are a mommy to 3 year old twin boys when you 1) hold a baby lizard in your bare hand 2) allow said lizard to be in your family Christmas pictures 3) do not freak out about holding said lizard in your bare hand and 4) SMILE while holding the little baby lizard!!
The guys
Twice the love...
Daddy kisses are the best!
Mom and C

brotherly love

Mommy and (the other) C