A friend of ours was nice enough to let us use his place and it had some old hay bailing (I think) equipment and a broken down barn. It was AWESOME! We LOVED the barn!
I am so used to shooting families, mulitple people, kids and babies, that I totally forgot what it was like to shoot someone who a) would cooperate b) pay attention c) follow directions d) look at the camera and c) who actually WANTED to be having their pictures made! It was a nice break!
Don't get me wrong, I love me some babies...and technically, HE is still one of my babies. Even though he is a whopping 6'2"!
It is so hard for me to believe that this is the same little boy. He is nearly grown now. He just celebrated his 18th birthday on April 1st and boy does April Fool's Day suit his personality! :) He's a funny guy.
He has grown up to be quite a young man. He will probably be embarassed to read this but I am very proud of the young man he is growing in to.
I am sure I am gonna make his momma cry! :)
He will always be her baby.
I really enjoyed getting to shoot these. Even though we tromped through sticker (I would say bushes, but these things were the size of small trees)bushes to get the shots we wanted.
Lots of pictures to choose from, boy are they going to have fun deciding. I decided NOT to decide and just go nuts and put a bunch on here. It's my blog, I can do that! :)
Always harder to weed them out when it is someone you know AND love.

CONGRATS class of 2010!
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